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Microsoft Teams, Webhooks and You

 ·  ☕ 4 min read

If you use Microsoft Teams you may want to be able to send information from external services. There are many apps that can be added to teams to accomplish this but what if you have an internal system or custom script and you want it’s output to be sent to Teams? Well, there’s an app for that too. You can add the Incoming Webhook app to your Teams instance and configure where and who it should deposit information as. You can also create outgoing webhooks that I’ll go through later on in this article. Before we get started you’ll need to be an owner of your Teams instance or have permissions to add apps to it. I also recommend that you use the Teams desktop application as it allows more control for configuration. You can download that from Microsoft here.

Creating An Incoming Webhook for Microsoft Teams

  1. In the desktop Teams application, go to Apps in the sidebar on the left.
  2. Type webhook in the Search all text box on the left hand side.
  3. Click on the Incoming Webhook tile, then in the pop up click on the Add to a team button.
  4. Type the channel or team name you wish to add the webhook to in the text box, then click the Set up a connector button.
  5. Wait for the Connectors for “example” channel in “example” team page to popup.
  6. Now, type a name in the text box for the webhook to be identify by, and optionally give it an image.
  7. Click on Create and until the webhook URL is presented to you.
  8. Take a copy of the URL for use later on in whatever service you wish to link to Teams.
  9. Click Done and you will return to the connectors page.
  10. You can do this multiple times and create multiple webhooks for different services and different channels.

Managing All Incoming Webhooks for Microsoft Teams

  1. In the desktop Teams application, go to the General channel, and click the ellipse.
  2. Then select the Connectors option.
  3. The Connectors for “General” channel in “example” team page will open.
  4. Go to the Configured section under MANAGE.
  5. You should see the Incoming Webhook app here. Under the Configure button click the (number) configured text.
  6. You will see the webhooks that have been added to the Teams instance.
  7. By clicking on the Manage button next to each webhook, you can change the name, image, or remove it. You can also access the incoming webhook URL here.

Removing All Incoming Webhooks for Microsoft Teams

  1. In the desktop Teams application, go to the Team name, and click the ellipse.
  2. Go to Manage Team.
  3. Click on the Apps tab.
  4. Find the Incoming Webhook app in the list of apps.
  5. Click the Trash/Garbage/Rubbish can/bin icon on the far right of the Incoming Webhook.
  6. You will be asked if you wish to Uninstall the Incoming Webhook app. Click the Uninstall button.
  7. The Incoming Webhook app will be uninstalled from your Teams instance.

Creating An Outgoing Webhook for Microsoft Teams

  1. In the desktop Teams application, go to the Team name, and click the ellipse.
  2. Go to Manage Team.
  3. Click on the Apps tab.
  4. In the very bottom right hand corner of the page, click the text Create an outgoing webhook.
  5. In the Create an outgoing webhook popup, you can enter the Name, Callback URL, Description and Profile picture of the webhook. Click Create.
  6. Now you will receive the Security token with which the webhook can securely communicate with Teams.
  7. The Outgoing Webhook will be displayed on the Apps tab of the Teams manage page. Here you can click it to edit it’s information, but you will not be able to see the security token. If you lose it, you must recreate the outgoing webhook.

Removing An Outgoing Webhook for Microsoft Teams

  1. In the desktop Teams application, go to the Team name, and click the ellipse.
  2. Go to Manage Team.
  3. Click on the Apps tab.
  4. Find the name of the outgoing webhook in the list of apps. It will have (Outgoing Webhook) next to the name.
  5. Click the Trash/Garbage/Rubbish can/bin icon on the far right of the Outgoing Webhook in the apps list.
  6. You will be asked if you wish to Uninstall the outgoing webhook. Click the Uninstall button.
  7. The Outgoing Webhook will be uninstalled from your Teams instance.

I’ve found webhooks for Teams to be extremely useful. I’ve recently updated my Network Device Status Monitor utility to support Teams as an output option. You can find out more about that here.

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