Security Research
Bash Bunny Payload: Garfield steals passwords with LaZagne
· ☕ 4 min read
The Bash Bunny is a USB attack platform developed by Hak5 a security research group. It’s a device that looks like a USB memory stick, except it is a small computer running a Debian based Linux OS with a desktop class SSD and a quad core ARM processor. It can be configured to be a HID (Human Interface Device), storage device, serial device and USB based network adaptor in order to carry out automated tasks on a computer.

Elevating Permissions To Disable Windows Defender
· ☕ 2 min read
I’ve been developing a new payload for the Bash Bunny using external tools but a lot of them get flagged by Windows Defender - so I turned my attention to disabling Windows Defender and found some interesting information. I wanted to disable Windows Defender temporarily, just enough time to run the attack and then re-enable it. At most it would be disabled for a few seconds - my aim was to leave as few traces as possible.

Bash Bunny Primer
· ☕ 7 min read
The Bash Bunny is a USB attack platform developed by Hak5 a security research group specialising in the development of network/system penetration testing tools and educational content. If you’d like to find out more information, you can find them here: Twitter | YouTube | The Bash Bunny is an excellent pentesting tool. It looks like a chunky USB memory stick, however it’s really a SoC running a quad-core ARM processor running a Debian based Linux OS with a desktop class SSD for storage.